The gentle light of day – July 2016

In July I had my second solo exhibition – ‘The gentle Light of Day’ at ASW Art System Wickham, Newcastle -. The exhibition was a series of landscape drawings ranging in size from small intimate 10cm x 10cm graphite pencil drawings to large 70cm x 100cm charcoal drawings. I was overwhelmed by the number of people who came to my opening and humbled by their positive comments.
Newcastle Herald – Saturday July 23, 2016

‘Nicola Bolton has a very strong drawing exhibition, ‘The Gentle Light of Day’ at Art Systems Wickham. Her tonal landscapes in graphite and charcoal are the result of a sensitive communion between the artist and her immediate rural surrounds in the softened, quiet light of dawn and dusk. While they continue the Romantic tradition, with strong links to early black and white photography, these drawings are keenly observed and finely drafted images of the present. They are contemplative works, free from sentimentality where farm buildings and power poles are given equal prominence with native trees and introduced vegetation set against a background ever-changing weather with glaring sunlight rending the morning fog while gathering storm clouds
portend an uncertain future.’    John Barnes, Newcastle Herald