IM JUMPING WITH JOY and I am thrilled to let you know that my Children’s book ‘You Can’t Catch Me’ will be back in July!  I’ve sold ALL the copies from my first printing and DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND… and lots of inquires. I have decided to do a second print run. I should have the copies available for purchase in mid JULY. If you are interested in PRE-ORDERING YOUR COPY just send me an email at IF YOU CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG, then there are copies still available at Harry Harthog at Greenhills in East Maitland – ph 02 4934 3663.

I am also thrilled to let you know that my book is in the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2018 and 2019. How exciting is that!!… especially for a self-published book. Thank you everyone for your support.

ALSO…WATCH THIS SPACE …the next book is on its way. I’m madly still doing all the illustrations for the next dog adventure. Its called You Can’t Find Me…its about the two dogs playing hide’n seek with their new friends, the 10 little frogs. This story is full of fun….lots of things to count, colours to learn, frogs to find and much, much more.