Archive | Prizes

You Can't Catch Me Front Cover


After much nagging by my beautiful sister Sal,who is a Teacher Librarian, I entered my children book ‘You Can’t Catch Me’ into the  Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Prize. In 1946 the CBCA established annual book awards to promote children’s books of high literary and artistic quality. These awards are […]

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Newcastle Club Foundation Art Prize 2016

To complete the year I was one of only 11 artists whose paintings were selected from over 80 entries, for the inaugural Newcastle Club Foundation Art prize. Our paintings were hung in the Newcastle Club and we were all treated to a spectacular dinner where the winner was announced our paintings were put up for […]

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Frensham Fellowship Art Prize – November 2016

Frensham Fellowship Art Prize – November 2016

In November I entered one of my large charcoal drawings, ‘The Paterson River’, into the Frensham Fellowship Art Prize ( Old girls) and much to my total shock and delight I won! I always find it an odd feeling returning to school…it is so familiar yet it seems like a life time ago. I was […]

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