After much nagging by my beautiful sister Sal,who is a Teacher Librarian, I entered my children book ‘You Can’t Catch Me’ into the  Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Prize.

In 1946 the CBCA established annual book awards to promote children’s books of high literary and artistic quality. These awards are now the most influential and highly respected in Australia. There are 5 categories in the CBCA Book of the Year Awards.
Older Readers – 13 to 18 years
Younger Readers – 8 to 12 years
Early Childhood – Pre school and infants level
Picture Book – any age
Information Books
My book was selected into the ‘Notables for Early Childhood’. Which was just so exciting!!!! This is the first of the selections…the next thing is to wait to hear if it is ‘Shortlisted.’ Fingers and toes crossed 🙂